Tutorial Server Lineage 2:
Part I
Files that you'll need
1) - Install JavaJDK
2) - Install MySQL 5.0 Server
Installing MySQL 5.0 Server
-Run The executable file (DUH)
-Press next buttom and create a new instance
-Select detailed Configuration
-Server Machine
-Next , Next
Choose the first option for 20 Players or if you want, choose the manual setting and in concurrent connection , put how many players do you want to join in your server
-Security Options ... don't check any !
->Now you hve configurated your MySQL server with Login: root , NO PASSWORD , Port 3306.
3) - Install NAVICAT !
4) - In NAVICAT click on connection and insert in
Host name/IP address "localhost"
port "3306"
Username "root" and leave blank the password field than click OK
- In the connections field will appear a new connection called "localhost". RIGHT CLICK on it > New Database , than give the name of l2jdb for your new database than click ok.
4.1)- Extract all the files of hero's pack in a folder of ur choice
5)- Install SQL files from hero's Pack (folder SQL)
- You can made it manually or automatically , in this case , ill teach how
to use the automatic installation
- Search for the file Database_installer.bat in the folder TOOLS of ur server folder
- Right Click on it and choose EDIT
-Change the adress for your MySQL BIN FOLDER in the line "set mysqlBinPath="
-Than execute the edited file pressing F to Full installation and installing the Addons pressing y
- Now you have your Database installed !
6)- In the folder gameserver/config/ open with notepad the file server.proprierties and change the lines
ExternalHostname=UR EXTERNAL IP HERE
InternalHostname=UR INTERNAL IP HERE (possibily
MinProtocolRevision = 1
MaxProtocolRevision = 999
7)- Go in your login/config and open the file loginserver.proprierties with notepad than edit the lines
ExternalHostname=UR EXTERNAL IP
InternalHostname=UR INTERNAL IP (possibily
8)- Run The file RegisterGameServer.bat in your login folder then choose the Id number 0 (zero) . the program will close and a file hexid(server 0 or anything like it).txt will be appear in ur login folder.
Rename it to hexid.txt than copy and paste in ur gameserver/config folder.
9)- Run the program startSQLAccountManager.batM to create your accounts (if you don't hve a webserver with registration)
In Access lvl , put 100 for admins , 0 for players or -100 for banned accounts .
Open Startloginserver.bat (login folder) and Startgameserver.bat (gameserverfolder).
PS: If your using a router , you'll need to open the ports : 7777 (Gameserver) ; 2106 (loginserver) ; 3306 (MySQL)
Thats all
>PART II- WEBSERVER (Server Homepage)
Now you'll try to explain how to create your webserver WITHOUT DISKW !!
I'll use L2Jz System because it is a LOT better and usefull with a complete database included !!
Files that you'll need :
WAMP 5.0 (It will install the PHP and APACHE protocol in ur system simple and fast)
L2Jz (try to use the search button above)
How to install :
1o -> First install WAMP5.0 , a little icon may appear at ur clock side, if not, go to the folder that u has installed the wamp and run the executable.)
2) - Extract the files of L2Jz system in a folder than follow the steps bellow :
-With the SQL FILES :
-Open NAVICAT than right click in ur database l2jdb and choose EXECUTE BATH FILE than search for the L2jz SQL files and do it with ALL the SQL FILES !!
-After that , 9 new tables will appear in ur database
3) -Now move all the remaining files of L2Jz for ur WWW\ folder (ull find where u installed ur WAMP5.0. In my case c:\wamp\www\)
4)-Left Click on ur WAMP icon APACHE>START/RESUME SERVICE , and after that click on PUT ONLINE
-After that , wamp icon will become yellow and the lock will disapear
-U can edit ur L2Jz Main page editing the file welcome.php (www\pages\)
5) -Edit ur option.php file (www\) inserting ur server rates and another thing that u like or need
-Bellow the lines of ur server rates
$servers[$i]['info']['rateXp'] = 10;//Exp rate.
$servers[$i]['info']['rateSp'] = 10;//Sp rate.
$servers[$i]['info']['rateDropAdena'] = 30;//Adena rate.
$servers[$i]['info']['rateDropItems'] = 15;//Drop rate.
$servers[$i]['info']['rateDropSpoil'] = 35;//Spoil rate.
-ull need to change that numbers puting ur server rates
6)- Go to ur gameserver\config folder than edit the file telnet.properties in the following lines
EnableTelnet = True
and remove the # in the beggining of the line
#StatusPW = somePass
7)- Go to ur Login\config folder than edit the file telnet.properties in the line
EnableTelnet = True
Thats it ! A FULL C5 server with ONLINE L2INFORMER and fully editable !
If i forget something , ill insert here later , or pls MESSAGE ME !
If u cannot login in ur server , its a problem in the gameguard, ill share here the guide to bypass it ! (thats the reason to i hve a nprotect folder in my www\ folder xD).
SRRY FOR MY ENGLISH ! If anyone wants to fix my grammar , send a me a pm having the correction ^^.
BTW , Its the SAME METHOD to make a C4 Server.
PART III - The Client Side
Beucause many questions about what to do in the client , i will make a little guide to what make in the client PC to run ur server !
1)- Ull need to donwload the SYSTEM folder of your server pack ! (Ull find it on ur server pack Thread)
2)- Change the original system folder of ur L2 for the server system folder
3)- Ull need to edit the L2.ini (at ur system folder) to insert ur server IP. U can edit it
using the program L2_Fileedit.exe.
4)- If ur using the gameguard bypass , ull need to insert the line at ur client hosts file
"xxx.xxx.xxx nprotect.lineage2.com" (where xxx.xxx.xxx is ur server IP)
-Delete ur gameguard folder in ur new system folder to force the client to download the new gameguard from ur server.
By Splash Team